Science Recource Centre
Cape Coast


The equiment of the Science Resource Centre is rather basic and does not compare to the level of e.g. a German school. It is dated and needs urgent replacement. Some electronics are broken and only provisionally repaired turning every physics class into a gamble for working equipment. Most experiments can only be demonstrated and there are not sufficient materials available to allow students to conduct the experiments themselves. As the financial support from the Education Service of Cape Coast cannot cover all the expenses to ensure adequate and effective teaching, we, the teachers of the Science Resource Centre, kindly ask for your support to provide an appropriate education for the students of Cape Coast. Any amount is helping to develop young people from Ghana.

Up till now with the help of many kind donators we were able to refill some of our chemicals, buy some urgently needed apparatus, e.g. a ray box, some beakers and separating funnels. And especially we could get hands on a light microscope with some permanent slides.

For further donations you can directly donate via PayPal: @src2014 

or you can use the formula below.



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